Investment & Trade


The secret ingredient is...nothing.

Wait, what?

That's right.

There is no secret ingredient to getting rich. Anyone who tells you different is selling something.

Oh yeah and I don't really have a helicopter...yet.

Of course, cryptocurrencies do have some of the best ROIs in history. And you do have a shot at making some good money. So let's talk about investing in cryptos the right way.

Buy-and-holder or a trader?

These are two very, very different things.

By a wide margin, the right strategy for most people is to just buy and hold. Get some well know cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, or Litecoin, put them in cold storage, stick them in the sock drawer and forget about them. Don't read the news. Don't worry about the wild swings or the predictions of doom from the popular press. Just buy, hold and forget. In a year or two, dig them out and sell some of them and buy a little more with the proceeds. Wash, rinse and repeat until retirement.

If you want to trade however, that is a different beast all together. That means you're looking to get in and out of the market. The rules of the game are simple:

Buy low, sell high.

Duh, you say.

Easier said than done though.

There are two parts to this game:

  • Making money
  • Keeping it

Most people crash and burn on the second part. Everyone makes money in a bull market and then most give it right back afterwards.

So does that mean you shouldn't trade? No way. I love trading!

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